I've attached EXAMPLES of modified instruction.txt and product.xml of what to change. ANYWHERE you see ###, INCLUDING the product name, change to whatever number you wish (but don't repeat in another extra page). I'd recommend editing the product and instructions first, and then follow them as normal.
cavyspirit, futuredood, BETIServices:
Any questions? BTW, futuredood, please hit install
1996 328ti:
cool beans
Originally Posted by Quarterbore
Can this be used to combine a number of profile pages into the main user's profile?
For example, my site has profiles for my classifieds script, photogalary, as well as the main forums. I would LOVE to be able to create one profile page that has some type of tab that would allow me to have a dingle profile page for my members...
I was going to code this myself when I found time but if this could do that I would be one happy webmaster!
That would not be this hack, sorry. Your idea is definitely possible, but beyond the scope of this hack.
Originally Posted by marlita
Wired1 or anyone else who may know: how do I get this mod to do this (add webpage & guestbook to users' profiles)?
This hack has nothing in common with that one, and that hack is for 3.0.x, so it may not even be compatible with 3.6.x.