Originally Posted by COBRAws
With the paid version, is all this automated? I dont want to manually add every new account on my WHM.
And does the pay version offer a brand free download?
Thank you again
Currently neither version is fully automated but the user below posted a script that is supposed to do just that.
Originally Posted by TCooper
If you were looking for the basic way in php here is something you may be able to work with
require ‘/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Accounting.php.inc’;
$host = “localhost”;
$user = “root”;
$usessl = 0;
$accesshash = ‘AccessHashInOneLongString’;
$domain = ‘puranet.co.uk’; //the domain name to use on this account WITHOUT THE WWW.
$username = ‘Username’; //the username to use on this account
$password = ‘UserPasswordToUse’; // the user accounts password (cpanel pass)
$plan = ‘PlanName’; //the package name in WHM you wish to use.
$create = createacct($host,$user,$accesshash,$usessl,$domain,$username,$password,$plan);
//it will show an error message if theres an error, or if it works, itll show the account creation like it does in whm
echo $create;
If I come across something that might be easier to work with I will post it. Let me know if that helps or not.
Thank you. I will code this into the free version.
What would the "access hash" be?