If you were looking for the basic way in php here is something you may be able to work with
require ?/usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Accounting.php.inc?;
$host = ?localhost?;
$user = ?root?;
$usessl = 0;
$accesshash = ?AccessHashInOneLongString?;
$domain = ?puranet.co.uk?; //the domain name to use on this account WITHOUT THE WWW.
$username = ?Username?; //the username to use on this account
$password = ?UserPasswordToUse?; // the user accounts password (cpanel pass)
$plan = ?PlanName?; //the package name in WHM you wish to use.
$create = createacct($host,$user,$accesshash,$usessl,$domain,$username,$password,$plan);
//it will show an error message if theres an error, or if it works, itll show the account creation like it does in whm
echo $create;
If I come across something that might be easier to work with I will post it. Let me know if that helps or not.