Just tried adding the lpp messenger to the plugin like below
It still shows the portal sides though in the messenger popup
Do i need to add .php to this 1 lpp_messenger
Actually i have removed the bit i added cause the messenger aint working, with it removed it still dont work.
I trnued off the plugin that i just created from your advise and it works now....
Any ideas or is this getting too complicated now?
$holdmkp[] = "lpp_messenger_sent";
$holdmkp[] = "lpp_messenger_write";
$holdmkp[] = "lpp_messenger_read";
$holdmkp[] = "lpp_messenger_popup";
$holdmkp[] = "lpp_messenger";
$holdmkp[] = "vbspell";
$mkp = "yes";
foreach ($holdmkp as $id => $item) {
if(strpos($filename, $item) === false || strpos($userinfo['location'], $item) === false){ $mkp = $mkp; } else { $mkp = "no"; }
if ($mkp = "yes") {
//added from MKportal
define ( 'IN_MKP', 1 );
require_once "../mkportal/include/VB/vb_out.php";
$output = mkportal_board_out($output);
//end added