Cheers m8
So...doing this, i wont loose the Forum within the portal look will i?
Cause that bit you said to remove is thet bit that does that ya see?
Nother issue....
On uninstall it dont uninstall properly.....
Please see image..... How do i rectify that please?
Originally Posted by cynix2
open ./includes/functions.php
find and remove
//added from MKportal
define ( 'IN_MKP', 1 );
require_once "../mkportal/include/VB/vb_out.php";
$output = mkportal_board_out($output);
//end added
create a new plugin on the 'global_complete' hook call it 'MK Portal' with the following code
$holdmkp[] = "vbspell";
$mkp = "yes";
foreach ($holdmkp as $id => $item) {
if(strpos($filename, $item) === false || strpos($userinfo['location'], $item) === false){ $mkp = "yes"; } else { $mkp = "no"; }
if ($mkp = "yes") {
//added from MKportal
define ( 'IN_MKP', 1 );
require_once "../mkportal/include/VB/vb_out.php";
$output = mkportal_board_out($output);
//end added
if you have any other pages you dont want the sidebar on just add more lines ad the top like this
$holdmkp[] = "index";
$holdmkp[] = "showthread";
that SHOULD fix the problem with that portal