:-) If I had dedicated some time to test the changes I was suggesting, we would have had it working by now... If this time it doesn't work, I will take the time to test it before my next post... <g>
Now, realize that this AuthPlugin_vBulletin was not written by me, and as such, the original author may not like/agree with my suggestions...
In the original code, the function authenticate checks for the allowed_usergroups. I personally think that this is not needed, since 'userExists' is always called before 'authenticate'.
Try changing the function 'authenticate' for the following code. Let me know if it doesn't work, and I will try it on my test server.
function authenticate( $username, $password ) {
// if their name does not contain any illegal characters, let them try to login
if (!preg_match($this->searchpattern, $username)) {
$username = addslashes($username);
$vb_find_user_query = "SELECT password, salt, usergroupid FROM " . $this->vb_prefix . "user WHERE LOWER(username)=LOWER('" . $username . "')";
$vb_find_result = mysql_query($vb_find_user_query, $this->vb_database);
if (mysql_num_rows($vb_find_result) == 1) {
$vb_userinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($vb_find_result);
// check password
if(md5(md5($password) . $vb_userinfo['salt']) == $vb_userinfo['password']) return true;
return false;