Steps 2 and 3 cannot be done. The files do not exist in the ZIP you included. ><
Difficulty: Medium
Template edits: 6
Product installs: 1
File uploads: 1
Code modifications: 0
Additional database rows: 2
1: Unzip
2: Upload htmlsig.php to your main forum folder (the one containing global.php, forumdisplay.php, etc.)
3: Import product-htmlsigapproval.xml via the Admin CP Product Manager.
4: Go to vBulletin Options in the Admin CP, select User Profile Options and scroll to the bottom. Edit the setting "Groups that can approve of HTML signatures" to the groups you want to be able to approve HTML signatures. (Leave it as 5,6,7 if you want moderators, super moderators and administrators to have that ability.)
5: Be sure to disable HTML in regular signatures (located on the Edit Usergroup pages) - not much of a point in making people get their HTML signatures approved if their normal signatures can have HTML in them anyway.
6: Make the following template edits: