I just installed this hack and it works well, I also added a small code to also show the total number of registered members:
$usernum = mysql_query("Select count(*) from user");
$users = mysql_fetch_array($usernum);
Then just put $users[0] where you want to display total members
Anyway, my problem is that when I turn off the usernames and want to only display the number of members online, the number of members seems to be much higher than what is says on the forum home page under logged in members.
For example on my forum home page it may say 34 members and 80 guests, and using this hack it would say 70 members and 80 guests online
It seems that it correctly reports the number of guests online, but the number of members is too high.
When I set $usernames to 'on', then it shows the same users as on the forum home page under users online, so the only incosistency with the total users online is when I turn the $usernames off.
What can I do to fix this?