I changed the move code, starting at line 11 to:
//comma delimited
// do not edit below
if ($vbulletin->options['automovemode'])
//if $from is empty then do not continue
if (!(empty($from)))
//comma delimited
$to=$vbulletin->options['forumarchive']; //retrive the forum archive ID's
$array_to=split(",",$to); //split the forum archive id on the ","
$arraycount=count($array_to); //get the count of the array
$default_to=$array_to[$i]; //place the first array item into storage
//the first array item is the default forum id to use in case
//any forum id place hodler are blank
//do not do if $default_to is empty
if (!(empty($default_to)))
echo $to . " in if statement</ br>";
foreach($array_from as $forumid_from)
echo "retreiving forum info for forum: " . $forumid_from;
//select a single forum ID to move
SELECT * from `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread`
Where forumid =" . $forumid_from . " AND `postuserid` NOT IN (".$vbulletin->options['Admin'].") AND `dateline` <= '" . (TIMENOW - ( 45 * 86400)) . "'");
while ($check2 = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($check))
$threadman=&datamanager_init('Thread', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY, 'threadpost');
$threadman->set('forumid', $array_to[$i]);
$threadman->set('sticky', 1);
if ($array_to[$i] == "")
echo "Auto Move Threads:<i>".$check2[title]."</a></i><br>";
log_cron_action('Auto Move Threads', $nextitem);
//if only one archive place desired then do not increment forum_to index
if ($arraycount > 1)
{$i +=1;}
What I get with the code change is I can move multiple target forums to their own spicific destination forums.
Such as in the options for Effected Forums if I entered 1,2,3,4
and in Archive Forums I put 20,21,,21
Then forums 1 and 3 gets moved to forum 20 and forums 3 and 4 gets moved to forums 21
If I entered Effected Forums if I entered 1,2,3,4
and in Archive Forums I put 20 then all forums get moved into 20