Embed new type of Videoplayer
I'm trying to embed the videoegg videopublisher.
I have added a plugin to gloabal_start to ensure the includes are correct.
I also defined a plugin to include the videoegg plugin into the newthread template.
This is my plugin code:
echo VE_EmbedPublisher('SwapPlayer', 'BasicConfig', 'FFFFFF',false, 'area=area59,tag', 'joeuser', 'http://www.mycompany.com');
$videoegg = ob_get_contents();
When I put the $videoegg var into the template i just get blankspace where the videoplayer should be. Putting the code into a normal html/php page works fine.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help
OK its working with IE 6 but not with Firefox - any ideas