As many of you may have noticed already, there are a lot of changes going on lately. And here is the next one: I will leave the Staff as Administrator.
Some of you have already noticed, that i didn't spend much time here during the last month, as i got very busy with RL. was my hobby, my heart was deeply in this site, but you have noticed, that changes are proceeding. There is a thread on's site feedback, where someone posted that the whole volunteer aspect doesn't work anymore. That might be correct, the site has deeply changed it's clients, from coders only to a big community which wants professional support and takes a lot of administrative effort...
Unfortunatelly i do not have the time anymore to do those big changes which are requested by a lot, and additionally i don't want to do so anyways. I have been a visitor of since the day it was founded (and i was even a visitor of the old before Chen was here...). Since that day a lot has changed on this site, i won't say it got better or worse, just different. It's not the old community anymore, and i don't think it will ever be anymore. I don't want to sound negative. It can be a possitive change as well, but i am a fossil, i miss the old times quite a lot, and i don't want to change into a direction i won't like it anymore.
I always wanted to be a coder, and i took over the Admin job by Chen to be able to make a worthwile stay for coders like myself, but i am browsing sites on the internet since a long time now, and i know that no site will stay what it was... Each site evolves with users joingin and leaving.
It would be nice to see evolving further, but regarding to personal issues at university and the rest of the real life (yeah i have such a thing as well ^^) i cannot continue to do so as an administrator, because that would mean a lot of time spending into coding and everything, hey you know the things
With those changes in progress now i think it is the best time for a leave, thanks to all of you, who have worked with me in the past or made my job here as worthy as possible!