Feature suggestions/request:
-- In addition to the
Most Popular Files list, can you also add a
This Week's Popular Files list that is based on # of total downloads for the past 7 days? That should give some newer files a chance to get featured on the list.
-- For the
Latest Files list, currently it generates a second column that's not used, with codes like:
HTML Code:
<td class="" align="right" nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle" width="20%">
<font size="1"><i></i></font>
It would be nice if the next version doesn't output these unnecessary codes.
Originally Posted by HappyPike
Westpointer, in a future version, think you can make it so when someone edits a file to upload a new version of a file, the old file gets deleted from the server as well? This way those old obsolete files don't take waste server space.
Really hope this makes it in the next version. I was just looking at the downloads folder and those old version files easily take up 100 MB or more space.