Broken smilie images in Last 10 Hack after 3.6 upgrade
We're using the Last 10 Hack (aka Last XX Hack, Latest Posts Hack, etc) which allows you to pull the last x number of posts into any webpage in a customizable display.
After upgrading to 3.6 our smilies in the Last 10 Hack were broken images. The base URL was being generated twice in the image source.
We removed this: ".$url."/
...from this line:
$lastpostshort = str_replace($smiles[smilietext],"<img src=\"".$url."/".$smiles[smiliepath]."\" border=0>",$lastpostshort);
...and it fixed the problem!
Hope this helps if anyone is using the Last 10 Hack. It was real popular a few years ago, but I don't see it around much anymore.......