Originally Posted by forzablues
Admin level account? is there a way i can stop that?
I have installed the miserable hack now.
Thanks for your help everyone
Yeah, login as a super Admin and remove his access to the vBulletin accounts. I would simply move the account into miserable users and remove all other power to it. He'll login and won't be able to get anywhere he wants to go...
To check how many users have Admin access go to the Usergroup Manager and look at the Admin Group... It will show a count of those that are directly Admins (Under Primary Users) and those that have access through the check-boxes on their User Account page (Under Additional Users)...
If he has created an Admin-power account it will be shown there...
Under the Usergroup area in your ACP You'll see Admin Permissions... Click there next... (Only SuperAdmins can access this...)
This will list each user with Admin access with an "Edit Permissions" link next to them...
Take off all users that you do not know to have Admin access by simply removing all Admin access on their User Page in the ACP...