mentalrz and BiReL41r, I highly suspect you don't have Paul_M's "Display who has read a thread" hack (linked to in the first post) installed - it's required for this to work. (I know I should have entered it as a product dependency, but there was a problem with that option in the Admin CP in beta 3 and I haven't gotten around to fixing it in the product yet.)
Eagle Creek:
1. It's on my forums, but admittedly I modified the quick style switcher to modify the style that's set in the database instead of a cookie, so it doesn't work for guests, and that's not the default style, so you can't really see it there. =/
2. It depends on what setting you change to five. What you want to set is "Only check latest X topics", not "Maximum unread news displayed at one time".
3. For guests, nothing is displayed at all.
4. Not that I'm aware of, no, unless Paul worked it into his hack.