Originally Posted by SgtTechHead
I had the same thing happen when I first installed. After a bit of investigation, I found that the "Invalid Page" error was being caused because of an invalid or undeclared variable for my VBA_CMPS portal path.
I found this line in the "bf2_stats/bf2_stats_tables.php" (under the uploads folder of the de-compressed hack package) file:
<form name="form1" method="post" action="$bburl?page=bf2stats&">
In that line, I changed the instance of "$bburl" to the actual name of my VBA_CMPS page, in my case "portal.php". Worked like a champ after that. Also found this to be the case in the template that gets installed with the product. The template, vba_portal_bf2stats, had the same line in it. I changed it there also and the optional portal block started working as well.
Nice work Oap JTRipper! Clicks *INSTALL*
nice fix. I tried to make our stats page its own page instead of haveing the players stats in a column. but i kept getting the $bburl error when you use the form on the custom page content.