Originally Posted by RS_Jelle
What do you think of the name moderation queue instead of purgatory?
Yes, that is more clear.
RSS feeds will become a new feature
That would be cool. Please allow us to choose the number of last uploaded files which we can show in the RSS feed and also an option for the RSS feed to include the full file description, title, thumbnail and download link in the RSS feed.
While we are at it, a report comments feature is needed too, especially since people can insert images in comments and there is no way to see recently posted comments at one place.
I personally would not be able to use the comments feature unless the comments approval feature is added as it is better to spend some extra time in approving the comments then to try to find and delete some abusive comments later on. I am also using photoplog and vblogetin and both have a comment approval system which prevents any kind of abuse.
Since DownloadsII is already so feature-rich, I would request to include the comments moderation also to make it complete and email notification of files and comments to be approved.
What will be the html code for putting the DownloadsII search box in another html page? Thankyou.