Hello one and all. Some of you might remember me as the author of the vBstory hack that I released for vB2 a couple of years ago. The hack itself was quite popular, which is why I'm hoping that someone here might be interested in what I'm offering.
Alas, I don't have any plans to release a new version of the hack for vB3/.5/.6 because I've gone down another route with it. I've launched a stand-alone site using the concept called
UnknownTales.net. And it's because of this site that I'm posting now.
I'm looking for someone with a creative writing forum to enter into some type of partnership with me.
What I'm looking for is an existing community on which I can run some forums for the use of the members at UnknownTales.net, making the site our official forum.
I'm sure you can see the benefit of such a partnership, with both sites linking to each other, thus providing an extended service to the members of both sites.
So, if you run a creative writing forum, and are interested in forming some sort of partnership, please feel free to contact me and we can arrange to chat via MSN/Yahoo/Google Talk/Skype/AIM/etc.. to discuss the partnership at length.
Thank you for your time