Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Beta 2 version running at:
Fixes: - Cleaned up templates, PHP5 compatible.
- Changed journal_startpage template to fix a javascript bug (caused by vBlog addition).
- Fixed journal buddies separator in "What's Going On?" box (vBlog addition again, whoops!).
- Uses buddylist instead of secondary journal buddylist, changes in vBulletin 3.6.0 meant that it was easier to do this than trying to work out how to update the journal buddylist feature).
- Post New Comment editor compatible with PV's "smilies on QR and QE" modification.
- Memberlist "[view_xs_journal]" link bug fixed.
There may be others that I've forgotten too.. :speechless:
ummmm where at? i clicked that link and signed up, and nothing about downloading the Journal, just other peoples journal