Originally Posted by Revvin
In the tar archive for Yeti Sports 4 an onwards there should be a folder containing some extra files, that folder needs to be placed in your forum\arcade\gamedata folder
Ok i did all of this
1. i uploaded the tar file to server then i installed it from the arcade add game
2. i put gamedata folder from the tar file folder in the arcade/gamedata folder (and tried to start game but no luck) then i put it in the tar/gamedata folder (then tried to start game but no luck).
3. So then i put the files in the gamedata folder in the arcade/gamedata folder (no luck) then i put the in the tar/gamedata folder (no luck)
4. Then i saw there wasnt a swf in the arcade directory so i uploaded it to the directory and then i tired 1. 2. and 3. again and guess what (no luck)
But there is something when i install the tar file i get the error message?
Warning: fread(): Length parameter must be greater than 0. in arcade/functions/tar.php on line 783
maybe this has something to do with the problem anyone ever seen this before?