I'd also like to start, and have done for a long time. The thing is, I don't want to LEARN php, I understand the concept of it - and I know many here have hacked vB without ever LEARNING php. Obviously, as I go I would hope learning php would come with time.
Personally I have little experience with coding. I can understand and use HTML - but I know that isn't coding.
About 6 years ago I did a course in Microsoft Visual Basic, for the most part I have forgotten what I did!
I did a little Pascal in school about 4 years ago, but again I remember little of this.
I also did some database work with Access about 3 years ago in school.
I feel I am resourceful and a quick learner, but quickly become frustrated with the guides I find on this site on how to begin. I just wonder is there something basic I am missing, a first step of understanding so that I can progress. Every hack I envision in my head, could be coded 100% (in pseudo code) by myself! I just don't understand how to relate the method to the code.