Slightly off topic, but would appreciate some help with this...
I purchased a vbulletin skin for 3.5.4 some time ago.
It still seems to work for 3.6.0...I have yet to find any problems...However vBulletin coughs up the "Revert" and Out of Date notices in the backend.
The developers of the template don't yet have an ETA for when the template will be updated...Is there any way I can tackle this myself? Not having a great deal of experience with vBulletin templates (I can customise with little problem) I am not really sure where I need to start to tackle the problem.
I appreciate I am going to need to create new template files for the new enhancements...And modify existing files to include the new template bits for the new enhancements...but not knowing what files are new, and what changes have been made to the existing templates its quite difficult to understand how to approach this.
Any advice on this would be appreciated.