Originally Posted by BiReL41r
I'm using a 3.5.4. skin, and for the most part, it works just fine with my vBulletin 3.6.0., except for the two parts where you can link to the original post when quoting someone (Example: quote=name;123. I'm not sure where to put the image to link to the post) and to add an infraction to someone's profile. (It just shows the text, and messes with my tables)
Does anyone know where I can fix this? I'm sure it's a simple edit, but I have no clue where to start.
The one where it links to the original post is in /images/buttons/ it is called viewpost.gif
The infractions have several images in the Buttons as well:
So, in order to get those images into your skin you need to name them as selected and place them in the Buttons folder.
Now there is also some "infractions" images in the images/misc/ folder... they are: