Originally Posted by Mohamed Ashraf
Installed but i didnt get what that mean " This works at vbModder.com with vba in a directory above forum home. Make sure you have your home and forumhome path info acp options filled in or it may not work on vba.
thank you
Mohamed Ashraf
On my site my vbadvanced is in the root directory and vBulletin is in the /forums directory below that.
in vBulettin Options->Site Name / URL / Contact Details there are two settings. Forum Url and Homepage Url. These must both be set or it will not function on your vba home page if you have it in a different directory.
The reason being is that AJAX (and for good security reasons) does not work on remote sites. It can only access files on the site your visiting. So the path has to be set to the file using /dir/dir/file type structure instead of
http://site.ext/dir/dir/file. To accomplish this I had to compare the two settings above in order to change the path to cron.php when on a vba page that is in another directory.
I hope that helps