I have uploaded what I hope is the official release of LDM for VB36. The same code also works on VB35.
These are the fixes/changes between the RC and this version:
Add/Edit Link
Fields that are not available to user are not displayed
Supports mms protocol
RSS2 feed
New 'extra' - old 'local_links_external' script withdrawn
User bandwidth/download allowances
New 'extras' which illustrate how to tie allowances to user reputation and to number of posts
Bugs fixed
- htmlspecialchars_uni used consistently, avoids messing up unicode fonts
- extra information added to admin info table to help debug
- Report of 'invalid email' when editing enties submitted by unregistered user
- No longer crashes when moderator accepts entry and email notification to user is turned on
- Additional tests within 'report link' and 'send to friend' to block spammers
- linkbit_short template fixed
- Product update no longer wipes out customised templates
- VB function cache_styles() copied into LDM because of problems on some sites
Partial translation into arabic provided in the development/phrases directory
If anyone experiences problems, please report them quickly!