Originally Posted by noreturn
Problem for me....Need some help please.
The images do not show up in either IE or Firefox. In IE I get the little red X. In firefore I get nothing, no image or "X" telling me there is suppose to be an image.
I have uploaded all images as instrusted from statusicon to statusicon folder. I have checked and rechecked many times, and even uploaded several times.
But still no images.
I log in as admin and I log in as member but no images appear no matter what.
Please give me some more ideas on what to look for.
Also my forum is actually located at http://www.stargazerschat.com so I have pager set at http://www.stargazerschat.com/.
I also tried it without the trailing slash but still no images.
The pager works.
I have PMd the author of this but have not gotten a reply.
how many styles do you have installed and did you upload all the icons to every style's statusicon folder??