Originally Posted by jaysonx
Is there a way to force update the news? I noticed that if you edit a post it does not automatically update, only when a new news item is posted.
You can run the cron script called News Cache. This was a trade off to make this script to use very little load. I may make it so deleted threads and edited threads will update it also if it isn't to much work.
Otherwise it will update when a new thread is posted or at 15 past or 15 to the hour.
Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Awesome, i'd love to see this take off and users contribute to it, as it seems the other portal solution is slowly dying off
So would I. I always had people ask me what I use for a news script and could only tell them it was home made and I couldn't point them in any direction to one for them to use as they are all paid now . . . If anyone wants to make additions please pos them here and I will add them in my files download list so people may use them.
Originally Posted by jaysonx
Mucho kudos on this BTW. It works very similar to the setup that InvisionBoard has for handling news.
Hmm never knew that, never played with IB . . .