Originally Posted by redlabour
Can nobody else fix this for 3.6 ?
I fixed it for 3.6.0. This is what I did:
PHP Code:
$Query = "select type, profilefieldid from ".TABLE_PREFIX."profilefield where profilefieldid=".substr($value, 5);
$phrasefield = "field".$row2[profilefieldid]."_title";
$wherephrase = " varname LIKE '$phrasefield' LIMIT 1";
$Query2 = "select text FROM phrase WHERE" . $wherephrase;
$this->post['posts']=$this->post['posts'].'</div><div><strong>' . $custom_titles['text'] . ':</strong> '.$this->post[$value];
Changed the query line by dropping the title. Added the 4 lines to get the title of the custom field from the phrases.