Originally Posted by Irisfire
that package linked for phptriad has php 4.1.1...what's the easiest way to upgrade the php?
get the zip file from php.net and extract the files in the curent php directory that is set by phptriad
Originally Posted by Jordan17
Mine is 50+ MB so it just times out all the time.
Click start -> run -> type "CMD" -> hit enter
in dos
go to mysql\bin directory ( assuming mysql is installed on drive C: )
cd c:\mysql\bin
run the following command
mysql -D mydatabase -u username -p < c:\path\to\file\mysqlfile.sql
mydatabase is your database name that you want to load the sql file into
username if the username for the database ( mostly is root).
mysqlfile.sql is your SQL file that you want to load
if you have set a password then it will ask you for the password after you hit the Enter key
if you didn't set a pssword use this command insted
mysql -D mydatabase < c:\path\to\file\mysqlfile.sql
using this i loaded a 290 MB database in 1 min