ok, i have this error
Resource id #66 and i get it from this line of code
PHP Code:
$equip = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM `abp_equip` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `typeid`='$typeid' LIMIT 1");
this script is located in
PHP Code:
$userid = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
$equip = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM `abp_equip` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `typeid`='$typeid' LIMIT 1");
if($db->num_rows($equip) == 1 and $item['type'] != 7)
$query = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `abp_equip` WHERE `userid`='$userid' AND `typeid`='$typeid'");
$item = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM `abp_items` WHERE `id`='".$query['itemid']."'");
if($typeid == '1' or $typeid == '6' or $typeid == '9')
{$width = 85; $height = 85;}
if($typeid == '2' or $typeid == '7')
{$width = 30; $height = 30;}
if($typeid == '3' or $typeid == '4' or $typeid == '5')
{$width = 100; $height = 150;}
if($typeid == '8')
{$width = 100; $height = 30;}
$stats[strtolower($typename)] = stats($item['id'], $total, false, $typeid, $item['image'], $item['description'], false, $userid, $item['name'], false, true, $width, $height);
~Cody Woolaver