Originally Posted by mindcry
I have been running my site for almost 2 years now and it has grown a lot. I am up to 9,977 members as of right now. However, I cannot seem to make money off of the site, or get advertisers. I have tried various CPM networks with not much success. Currently I am using CJ and YPM and making some, but not much. I have tried taking donations but I have very few at the moment. Also, I have tried having merch made, which did ok. I am about even with that with still some more to sell. Maybe it is just unrealistic for me to make money. So, either I am not big enough, or I am doing something wrong. It is a snowboarding community website. Anyway, I posted my stats below from the past 2 months. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
June Stats
Total Sessions 62,331.00
Total Pageviews 1,435,734.00
Total Hits 4,485,734.00
Total Bytes Transferred 22.04 GB
July Stats
Total Sessions 60,149.00
Total Pageviews 2,149,547.00
Total Hits 6,191,176.00
Total Bytes Transferred 29.89 GB
Looked at your site and you have
Threads: 5,333, Posts: 111,610, Members: 9,980, Active Members: 2,439 Average Age: 20.94
Very low thread count and posts for the amount of members... Im asumbing that your site has little posting traffic and sponsors usually want to see actual member activity rather then hi member count.
For example my site had
Threads: 27,578, Posts: 233,701, with only 3,579 Members
You can see that my member count is a bot low but it is a very busy site. Sponsor love that. They key is not only members but TRAFFIC TRAFFIC