Originally Posted by Paul M
Why not just get a 1&1 root server. We run two without any problem.
I'm as sure as ducks quack, that i wouldn't be capable of all the installation and tweaking necessary. I have some time to learn - until mysql size gets too big, but to be honest I work full time plus study, so the time I would have to read/learn/ask is not as much as I'd need/like. I looked also at this company platinumservermanagement who for $30 look after servers but they only work with cpanel apparently, which 1&1 don't have, haven't found a UK one at all, let alone one as competitively priced.
Having to install mysql and anything else I might need is probably beyond me - to give you an idea, it took me about two months to be confident with using putty to back up /and restore my databases. Imagine how long it would take to learn eveything else. For cheapness I'd prefer to stay with 1&1 but as I said I couldn't find anyone like platinumservermanagement.
Maybe it will be an idea to buy a root server from them and play for a few months.