mmmmyeah... I just found this hack, and I am totally shocked that is is being written by a VB dev, and advocated by What the heck are you guys thinking? Us admins work incredibly hard, and some of us put in over 100 hours a week to create something better in our respective hobby's or areas intrest. Now we need to have front and center stage, a hack that allows any $8 bozo to intentionally deceive new members about their size and gain market. NOT because of quality of content, or building a better mouse trap, but instead because of this product.
I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I look at on any new board I visit is the numbers. All of this "you're just cheating yourself" yadda yadda is a bunch of nonsense. IMO, is blatantly advocating and promoting lying and cheating through the creation of this product. This is horrible.
For some of us, this is our job, and puts food on the table. And then a company that I trust to my hard work with comes out with a POS hack like this, and sticks it to me. Wanna know why I'm pissed? I have a competitor who is now using this lovely product.
Good work guys, probably one of the best written hacks to date. Make sure you keep ignoring all of the other vital projects that need work like the multiple forums/one user database issue, and keep working on garbage like this.