One of forum member post a bug/exploit/cheat:
Yes there is 1 bug, i discovered it myself, if u look at YetiSports 4: Albatros Overload, u will see my highscore 12681, which i did in 00:04. So what happend?
I was playing Yeti 1: Ridiculous Longshot, but cus it took so long to finish it, i deceided, that im gona put that game in background and im gona start playing Albatros Overload. Then when i wanted to submit the score in this game, i noticed that the other game was finished. So i submit that score first and heres the funny part. The score didnt go to Ridiculous Longshot, but to Albatros Overload. Both games got mixed somehow... So theres your bug...
I was see 1 player do in 14 sec 270 points, but at game impossible to make more than 30 in a first minute. He is a cheater? Or buguser? How can fix that? No other user have problem with impossible highscores?