Originally Posted by Bad Bunny
Right, it changes color on a mouseover, but it is not actually a link. That is my issue. I would prefer it to be a tabeless design so that the empty area to the right of the links were colored.
But it looks nice. Thanks.
You didn't read my code, it is a link

I'm putting the href call into the table cell itself. I put a Style="cursor:hand" in there so you can see it. Paste this into a browser:
<table summary="blah" width="120" border="1">
<td bgcolor=white onClick="window.location='http://www.yahoo.com'" Style="cursor:hand" style="background-color:#444444" onMouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#555555';" onMouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#444444';">
It works just as you're asking. The entire row is clickable. Here's a demo:
Click Me
Edit: I've done it to the navigation on my own page: