Originally Posted by Gaileypoo
Oh.. I see. Thank you.
I have another problem though. =\ I set up "auto warns" for obscene words , but for some reason, it's not working. I set up the right ID and everything. Created a warning type "ObsceneWords" I did a test on this too and the warning didn't show up on me.
Also.. if I uninstall and reinstall AWS, will I lose all warnings and bans made through AWS?
Thanks for the info~
did you enable automatic warnings ? also did you enable your forum censor and enter some words to be censored for example enter "++++" "pussy" into that box when a user trys to use one of these words in a post (and automatic warnings are on) then he is busted ....
you will not loose the warnings information if you create a backup of it through phpMyAdmin
Also make sure 'ObsceneWords' warningtype is set to "Auth"(short for automatic)