This is my Template Code:
<if condition="$show['threadicons']">
<td class="alt2" align="center" valign="middle">
<if condition="$show['threadicon']">
<if condition="$displaythumbs">
<if condition="($thread['attachmentid']) AND ($thread['thumbsize'])">
<a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$thread[threadid]">
<img src="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="" border="0" />
<else />
<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nothumb.jpg" alt="" border="0" />
<else />
<img src="$thread[threadiconpath]" alt="$thread[threadicontitle]" border="0" />
And This is My Plug IN Code:
$tt_thumbsforums = array(67, 74, 12);
$tt_displaythumbs = false;
if (in_array($forumid, $tt_thumbsforums)) {
$tt_displaythumbs = true;
$hook_query_fields .= ", attachment.thumbnail_filesize AS thumbsize , MIN(attachment.attachmentid) AS attachmentid ";
$hook_query_joins .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment as attachment ON(attachment.postid = thread.firstpostid) ";
$hook_query_where .= "GROUP BY thread.threadid ";
Followed Every Single Instruction Given in Installation file But Nothing Happened. Nor it showing any attachment image as a Thumbnail or neither any "No Image" Thumbnail.
And I m using vB 3.6.0 RC 3