Installed. Thanks!
Having a slight issue.
I am using the prefixes in a forum which my VBA CMPS uses to pull news onto the front page.
Each time I add a story in that forum, whether or not I choose a prefix or not, the title does not show up in VBA CMPS on the main page. If I manually edit the title by editing the thread, after it's posted (adding a period or question mark, etc to change it a bit), it updates on the main page and works from there on. Is there any way to connect the VBS CMPS $news[title] and the altered prefix $thread[title] ?
In relation to that...
I am/will be using a series of if/then statements to display an image within the first post based on the prefix of the thread. These threads will always be one post deep, so it works out. I have that working in the forum, but those if/then statements pulling the images do not show up in the VBA CMPS versions on the main page.
So, could we figure a way to hook these prefix calls into VBA CMPS for both the story and the title areas.
Hope that made sense. Thanks in advance!