Originally Posted by King Kovifor
Well. I'm a pure mac fan. If I have my way, I'm never getting a PC. So I'm going to add my comments.
- The three buttons are a roll over and have the X - + signs, so that would be a nice addition.
- If you could get the yellow button to be the "collapse", that would be awesome!
- What's Going On shouldn't be white, too hard to read.
- The roll over color for the forums shouldn't be yellow, hard to read.
- The forum markers aren't really fitting into the "mac" theme. IMHO!
- The mac Buttons (where you have them flat than rounded on one end) are a round all over...
Other than that, well done! I really like the style!
1. I was thinking of implementing this but I was sure that the grey colour would look right on the orbs. I'll give that a shot though because I wouldn't be satisfied untill I tried inserting the
X - +.
2. I'll be changing that shortly. Just haven't got around to modifying the colour setting that will be done when I change the hover links and other text.
3. Haven't got around to finalizing the colours yet. I'll probably do that when all the design work is complete.
4. I've just changed them and designed some folders instead. These will be the 3rd set of forum icons I've designed and they didn't (as you stated) look very macish.
(forum Icons changed)
5. These ones are temporary that were quickly converted from the "saturated blue buttons" I released here. I'll be designing a more appropriate set to hopefully compliment the style.
(buttons have been changed)
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be taking some of them onboard and making the necessary modifications.