Originally Posted by PennylessZ28
Doesn't look that much different from your previous version, more like a realignment then a redesign
It's a complete rewrite, no code from the original version was used. All functionality that isnt using vbadvanced were made into vbulletin plugins for easy upgrading.
The profiles are template driven so you can upload your own profile and have it designed any way you like. Their is a built in CSS editor for people who cant figure out templates or css files. It's hard to call it a simple layout change when the layout can be anything you like now. Thats like a forum software changing from hard coded html to a mysql driven template system.
Taken from our site:
Here is a list of the common variables.
$vitals - vitals module
$bulletins - bulletins module
$status - status module
$rating - ratings module
$winks - winks module
$visitors = visitors module
$groups = groups module
$blogs = blogs module
$profile = profile module
$friends = friends module
$comments = comments module
$default_pic - users default picture relative URL
$user_name - users name
$user_id - users id
if you dont want the default 'container' around a module, append a '_clean' to the variable name to get the clean output. Ex. $friends_clean