1st off, awesome mod. It fits my every need except for one. I need to limit the amount of megabytes downloaded in a month instead of in a 24 hour period. I'm serving up video files so the bandwidth goes quickly.
I tried setting the limit to 1/30 the monthly total and setting the carryover to 30 days but in the case of someone with a 100mB monthly download it looks like they have to be on the board for a whole month before they get their full limit. I'd like new users to get their inital full limit as soon as they sign up. Oherwise they might not comeback. Folks aren't too patient these days...
If there was a way to change the time limit to 30 days or 720 hours instead of 24 hours and then set the carry over variable to 1 I think that would work. Can it be done, and if so where/how?