I'll be as concise as possible
- A slashdot news area for all things related to vBulletin (including programming news, php/html/javascript/etc news).
- Interview area for big board admins/hackers/etc.
- Review area for hacks/commercial add-ons/commercial software useful for programmers.
- Wiki for common problems/code snips.
- Sourceforge like release area for add-ons.
- Firefox like plug-in site area for finding add-ons.
- Contests with real prizes (no free vB licenses..you guys already have one!).
- Less use of the forum expect for discussion. and tons of other littles things...
- review all the current modifications and give them titles: "Best use of CSS" "Best original idea" "Best in show" etc. in exchange for prizes. Would be like a once a year thing. Think of it like the summer of code, but for vBulletin.
Bring in a project manager for this new wave of changes who can work independently of the current vB.org administration, he sets out his goals and timelines and it's up to him to get a team together to achieve it (volunteers much like the coding team). His job wouldn't be to code the project but to manage the project. (I recommend Brad, he's perfect for this project. he's been around the community long enough to know exactly what's wrong with it and what needs to change and how to carry it forward, I believe he has the drive and ambition to reincarnate this site in the way it once was done so under Chen. I believe in the progress vBulletin.org can make under Brad).
Ultimately vBulletin.org needs to be split, on one hand there needs to be a hack portal, then there needs to be a developer community, i.e. end users wouldn't ever need to move past the portal and coders use the rest of the site, for this reason i think Developer Licenses are perfect.
*Please note the list of ideas are not my original ideas, they are indeed Brad?s.