Splitting Programming Discussion [suggestion]
As far as i can tell, this is a community that thrives on the input of the collective, the input tends to revolve around the coders and with the current system (ala plugins) the gap between coders and non coders is widening. thus not as many new coders are born as a result of this community.
Fundamentally coders are born through the help of others in the community spirit where people will, want to help eachother. however the help forum here in my opinion gets a very limited focus.
It's near impossible to provide quality help for people when you just collate all there issues into one stew pot, a lot of issues are missed and more focus help doesn't get the attention it deserves.
I feel that splitting "Prorgramming Discussions" into "PHP", "MySQL", "xHTML", "XML" and "CSS" would inject a new lease of life into the forums, allowing people to offer more focused help in there particular forte as well as allowing people to get more specific help and forcing people to recognise there issues, forcing them to take the first step in helping themselves.
Communities such as SitePoint having thriving programming communities due to the fact that there's no ignorance in regards to the different disciplines of coding and such should be the case here.