Originally Posted by Izza
I don't have more than one arcadepermissions table and still don't have a toplistpermissions table either.
What I did see was this below, should I have multiple index files?, the error at the bottom makes me think not.

Don't worry about indexes... Click structure at the top to see if they are there.
Originally Posted by Dj. Gargamel
Hello Derek - today I noticed we are having another problem - few days ago I have installed the newest version of mod - our toplist is using ranking method by views - today I saw that one user was raising the counter views continously within 5 min - of course his site was raising up in the toplist also I looked closely to other sites and noticed that there is second site with very strange views record
we are having counts form guests disabled, there is a Limit The Number Of Clicks Out For Each User and it is set to 1, we also turn on Limit The Number Of Clicks In For Each IP Address - so why this not situation is going on - maybe this option are only for In Hits and Out Hits ??
Yeah those options are only for clicks in and out. Maybe I should add a setting to either count uniques or count all page views. I can probably make it so when it's set to uniques, have it only count them once in a certain time period (say 1 day or what ever). What do you think?