After installing the toplist hack. I am unable to set permissions . I get a database error.
Having looked in the database I have no toplist permissions column.
I have set the toplist up on our test site which works flawlessy .
Any ideas whats going wrong?
the database error I get is
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Administrators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Administrator',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"color: red;\">',
`closetag` = '</span>',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '1048575',
`attachlimit` = '5000000',
`pmquota` = '500',
`pmpermissions` = '3',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '31',
`adminpermissions` = '3',
`genericpermissions` = '205520831',
`genericoptions` = '31',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '120',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '150',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '200000',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '120',
`avatarmaxheight` = '150',
`avatarmaxsize` = '200000',
`toplistpermissions` = '1'
WHERE usergroupid=6;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'toplistpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Sunday, July 23rd 2006 @ 08:48:09 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : ********
Username : ********
Classname : vb_database