After beta 1 of ecDownloadsII 5.0, there's now beta 2
There are no new features, only A LOT of bugfixes and cleanups. We are sure you will see that some small bugs you noticed in the past will be fixed. Translating ecDownloadsII will be easier, because almost all hardcoded text moved to phrases (except in the AdminCP).
- 100% XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.1 W3C compliance
- Removed borders of all images
- Fixed wrong aligned text editor when adding a file with IE
- Moved a lot of hardcoded text to phrases and fixed some missing phrases
- Fixed two wrong phrases for navbits (Add & Edit file)
- Fixed a bug with manage files causing an invalid sql
- Fixed a bug with manage files causing you couldn't select the Pin option in the dropdown menu
- Fixed a bug with the category page: category images of sub categories weren't showing up ($dl->picwidth doesn't exist)
- Removed examples for file name and author when adding a file
- Cached an uncached template causing an extra query on the 'Assign New Uploader' page
- Removed the unnecessary 'add_to_dlinks' hook location
- Cleaned up a lot of code to the vBulletin coding standards
- ...