Feeling pretty silly here - I feel like I am a pretty decent coder and database developer, but I am new to the vbulletin world and the marriage of php and mysql and can't seem to get it going!
I seem to be unable to execute PHP code if that makes any sense. I have tried putting something as simple as this in my template:
PHP Code:
print("in php");
but it doesn't print. I tried putting the same code into a .php file on the server and used $filename.php to include it in the template and it doesn't print.
I searched all other templates on my site for "<?php" and there doesn't appear to be anywhere that uses it, so I don't have anything to copy.
I am wondering if there is some sort of configuration file that allows/disallows the use of PHP in a template?? If so, is there a reason that it isn't used more? How on earth do I get my php to run?! Pulling my hair out here!
Any help is much appreciated!!