Here is an update for you if your having issues with the http auth,
i had to update my scsong for this at
PHP Code:
// Author: dstjohn (Mediacast1/Casterclub)
// Date started: 05-03-2002 (10:00A.M)
// Date Ended: 05-03-2002 (6:03 P.M)
// Requirements:
// 1.SHOUTcast streaming server
// 2.Oddcast dsp with winamp/xmms (recomended setup)
// 3.Webserver with php 4.x (Recommended environment: Unix (Freebsd, Red Hat etc.. with Apache 3.x)
// Support: None, post in the casterclub forums
// Core script Information:
// SHOUTcast Song Status was written and developed on Windows Xp with apache and php4.1.2
// Has not been tested on IIs webservers, if you do so and get it to work please let us know
// At the forums (
// Also has been tested on freebsd with apache, php4.1.2 and works fine.
//connect to shoutcast server
include('./config.php'); //you may edit this path to fit your server environment otherwise leave it alone
$scfp = fsockopen("$scip", $scport, &$errno, &$errstr, 30);
if(!$scfp) {
echo''.$scdef.' is Offline';
//for newer shoutcast servers
fputs ($scfp, "GET /admin.cgi?mode=viewxml HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $scip:$scport\r\n .
User-Agent: SHOUTcast Song (author: Compatible)\r\n .
Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode ("admin:$scpass")."\r\n\r\n");
while(!feof($scfp)) {
$page .= fgets($scfp, 1000);
//define xml elements
$loop = array("STREAMSTATUS", "BITRATE");
$pageed = ereg_replace(".*<$loop[$y]>", "", $page);
$scphp = strtolower($loop[$y]);
$$scphp = ereg_replace("</$loop[$y]>.*", "", $pageed);
if($loop[$y]==SERVERGENRE || $loop[$y]==SERVERTITLE || $loop[$y]==SONGTITLE)
$$scphp = urldecode($$scphp);
// uncomment the next line to see all variables
// echo'$'.$scphp.' = '.$$scphp.'<br>';
//end intro xml elements
//get song info and history
$pageed = ereg_replace(".*<SONGHISTORY>", "", $page);
$pageed = ereg_replace("</SONGHISTORY>.*", "", $pageed);
$songatime = explode("<SONG>", $pageed);
$playedat[$t] = ereg_replace(".*<PLAYEDAT>", "", $songatime[$r]);
$playedat[$t] = ereg_replace("</PLAYEDAT>.*", "", $playedat[$t]);
$song[$t] = ereg_replace(".*<TITLE>", "", $songatime[$r]);
$song[$t] = ereg_replace("</TITLE>.*", "", $song[$t]);
$song[$t] = urldecode($song[$t]);
//format the date
$frmt_date[$t] = date('l dS of F Y h:i:s A',$playedat[$t]);
//you may edit the html below, make sure to keep variables intact
<b>'.$t.'.</b>Song: '.$song[$t].' - <b>Played @</b> '.$frmt_date[$t].'<BR>
PHP Code:
// Author: dstjohn (Mediacast1/Casterclub)
// Date started: 05-03-2002 (10:00A.M)
// Date Ended: 05-03-2002 (6:03 P.M)
// Requirements:
// 1.SHOUTcast streaming server
// 2.Oddcast dsp with winamp/xmms (recomended setup)
// 3.Webserver with php 4.x (Recommended environment: Unix (Freebsd, Red Hat etc.. with Apache 3.x)
// Support: None, post in the casterclub forums
// Core script Information:
// SHOUTcast Song Status was written and developed on Windows Xp with apache and php4.1.2
// Has not been tested on IIs webservers, if you do so and get it to work please let us know
// At the forums (
// Also has been tested on freebsd with apache, php4.1.2 and works fine.
$scdef = "rogerdat"; // Default station name to display when server or stream is down
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "89000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "goodstuff"; // password to shoutcast server
//End configuration
Just some tidbits for you to incorperate into your scastlite
as this formats the date/time songs are played
and addresses base64_encode.