Hello people!
I have a major PHP problem and vBulletin is the single example I can give to other PHP programmers so thay will advise me. I know my post may seem hard to understand.
I have a page with a form. I put some text in the form and the thext is inserted into database. Simple.
Ok, on each ENTRY I want to add pictures. JPG files. I made the PHP script, I made thumbnails, etc.
This is my problem.
Imagne POST NEW REPLY from vBulletin like my form and a UPLOAD PICTURE link/button that will bring another page with a textfileld and a "browse" button. Like Manage Attachments from vBulletin.
What I want to do is, UPLOAD a picture, then refresh the main form window with a link to the picture, then upload another picture if I want, etc.
Got my point?
Do you have some sugestions? How can I do that? I repeat. The uploading It's done, thumbnails is done. I just don't know how to send the "
file name" of the attached files to the form.
I manage a way but it's only for 1 file.
- I open the form window.
- Then open the upload window.
- Upload a file.
- Then the upload file name is send to a $_SESSION['upload']
- THat SESSION the form will always see, and if it contains text, it will be inserded in the database with al the other form info.
- This thing works, but I more uploads per "entry"
See at the attachment. The page from the left is the form, the page from the right is the upload page.