Originally Posted by SaintDog
There's really not a great deal to styling your forum, depending on how far out you want to go. You don't *need* to know HTML and XML inside out to develop a vBulletin style, though knowing the basics of HTML would be a requirement if you want your code to be neat, tidy and function across all browsers.
I agree with SD, I am quite good with html, also with designing graphics and webpages, but xml knowledgeable, I'm not.
I think there's one important thing to remember.... there's a difference between a skin designer and a style designer. In my understanding, a skinner is one who not only designs a style, but changes code, templates, etc., to develope an almost entirely new look to the forum. Whereas a style designer works only with the design and graphics. I'm the latter. I have no use for redoing code, nor do I want most of my style to be an image. Almost all of my styles are css-based, minimum of graphics, except for a customized header, gradients, buttons, etc. Makes for easier and faster page loading for dialup internet users... yes there are some still around